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    SMC - Worldwide leading experts in Pneumatics

    SMC is pursuing worldwide customer satisfactionand supporting automation through the mostadvanced pneumatic technologies.

    IZF Ionizers - Benefits at a Glance

    Featured Products

    IZF Fan Type Ionizers

    • Portable fan type ionizers
    • Highly versatile in use
    • No need for air supply
    • Modular design
    • Extensive and rapid neutralisation
    • Easy flow rate adjustment

    ISE30A - Digital Pressure Switches

    • Dual colour display
    • Available with PNP, Analogue voltage or Analogue current outputs
    • Improved copy function also allows to simultaneously set up to 10 slave monitors whilst setting the master.
    • Password setting functionto keep unwanted manipulation to an absolute minimum.
    • Include a power saving function, which reduces energy consumption by up to 20%